
Monday 12 January 2015

Into The Woods

I went to see at the cinema a musical film by Disney called Into The Woods, it has a really good songs and plot. I thought the artwork, posters and the costumes were amazing from the film and inspired from this film, a lot of them had that fantasy and fairytale elements in their costumes. I thought it witch's costumes were very eccentric and weird but it looked great.
Into the Woods transformation cape.
The Slipper as Pure as Gold - Into the WoodsInto The Woods Gets Animated with New Character Portraits - James Corden as The Baker! I'm a fan.
I would recommend on seeing this film as it is for everyone and it is not too girly, but it does have some dark elements in the film but it not too scary for children.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Level 5 Studio Work

These are my development and final ideas for both fashion of the Digital Applications for Fashion and Gift module which I really like and are really good because my Photoshop skills have improved during the whole creative process.